Using Kotlin and AWS SDK: Copy Files Without Triggering AWS S3 Events
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Using Kotlin and AWS SDK: Copy Files Without Triggering AWS S3 Events

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Are you tired of dealing with unwanted AWS S3 events triggered whenever you copy a file within your bucket? Do you want to learn how to leverage the power of Kotlin and the AWS SDK to achieve seamless file copying without disturbing your event-driven architecture? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to copy files without triggering AWS S3 events.

Understanding AWS S3 Events

AWS S3 events are notifications triggered by specific actions, such as object creation, deletion, or updates, within your bucket. These events can be used to invoke Lambda functions, send notifications, or trigger other downstream processes. However, there are situations where you might want to copy a file without triggering these events. This is where our solution comes in.

The Problem: Unwanted Events

Imagine a scenario where you need to copy a large file from one folder to another within the same bucket. By default, this operation would trigger an S3 event, which could lead to unintended consequences, such as:

  • Unnecessary Lambda function invocations
  • False alarms or notifications
  • Increased costs due to excessive event processing

This is where our Kotlin-based solution using the AWS SDK comes into play.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive into the coding part, make sure you have the following setup:

  • AWS account with an S3 bucket
  • Kotlin (1.5.31 or later) installed on your machine
  • AWS SDK for Kotlin (2.17.247 or later) installed in your project
  • IntelliJ IDEA or your preferred IDE

Creating a Kotlin Project

Create a new Kotlin project in IntelliJ IDEA by following these steps:

  1. Create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Choose “Kotlin” as the project type
  3. Select “Console Application” as the project template
  4. Name your project (e.g., “S3FileCopy”)
  5. Create the project

The Code: Copying Files Without Triggering Events

Now, let’s create a Kotlin class that will copy a file without triggering S3 events. Add the following code to your project:


fun main() {
    val s3Client = S3Client.create()
    val bucketName = "your-bucket-name"
    val sourceObjectKey = "source-object-key"
    val destinationObjectKey = "destination-object-key"

    try {
        val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest.builder()


        println("File copied successfully!")
    } catch (e: S3Exception) {
        println("Error copying file: ${e.message}")

In this code:

  • We create an instance of the `S3Client` using the `create()` method.
  • We define the bucket name, source object key, and destination object key.
  • We create a `CopyObjectRequest` instance, specifying the source and destination details.
  • We call the `copyObject()` method on the `S3Client` instance, passing the `CopyObjectRequest` object.
  • We handle any `S3Exception` that might occur during the file copy operation.

Why This Code Works

The key to copying files without triggering S3 events lies in the `CopyObjectRequest` object. By setting the `x-amz-copy-source` header to the source object key, we’re telling AWS S3 to copy the file directly, without triggering any events.

Header Name Value
x-amz-copy-source /bucket-name/source-object-key

This approach bypasses the default event triggering mechanism, allowing us to copy files without unwanted notifications.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to use Kotlin and the AWS SDK to copy files within an S3 bucket without triggering unwanted events. By leveraging the `CopyObjectRequest` object and setting the `x-amz-copy-source` header, we can achieve seamless file copying while maintaining control over our event-driven architecture.

Remember to replace the placeholders with your actual bucket name, source object key, and destination object key.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve mastered copying files without triggering events, explore other advanced S3 features using the AWS SDK for Kotlin, such as:

  • Creating presigned URLs for secure object access
  • Implementing server-side encryption for data at rest
  • Using Amazon S3 Select to filter and retrieve specific data

The possibilities are endless! Share your experiences, ask questions, and explore the world of AWS and Kotlin together.


For further learning and reference:

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on using Kotlin and AWS SDK to copy files without triggering AWS S3 events!

Q1: Is it possible to copy a file using Kotlin and AWS SDK without triggering an S3 event?

Yes, it is possible to copy a file using Kotlin and AWS SDK without triggering an S3 event. You can use the `AmazonS3Client` from the AWS SDK to copy the file, and set the `x-amz-copy-source` header to `/source/bucket/source/object` and `x-amz-metadata-directive` to `COPY`. This will copy the file without triggering an S3 event.

Q2: What is the difference between using `putObject` and `copyObject` methods in AWS SDK?

The main difference between `putObject` and `copyObject` methods is that `putObject` uploads a new object to S3, whereas `copyObject` copies an existing object from one location to another within S3. When you use `putObject`, an S3 event is triggered, but when you use `copyObject`, no event is triggered.

Q3: Can I use AWS SDK’s `transferManager` to copy files without triggering S3 events?

Yes, you can use `transferManager` to copy files, but it will still trigger S3 events. `transferManager` is used for larger files and provides a more efficient way of uploading and downloading files, but it doesn’t provide a way to copy files without triggering events.

Q4: Are there any performance implications when copying files without triggering S3 events?

There are no significant performance implications when copying files without triggering S3 events. However, you should be aware that not triggering events may affect your application’s functionality, such as notifications or lambda functions that rely on these events.

Q5: Can I use this approach to copy files between different AWS accounts?

Yes, you can use this approach to copy files between different AWS accounts. However, you need to ensure that the IAM role or credentials used to access the source and destination buckets have the necessary permissions to read and write to the respective buckets.