The Mysterious Case of defaultIfEmpty: Why It’s Not Working Even When Your Object is Empty or Null
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The Mysterious Case of defaultIfEmpty: Why It’s Not Working Even When Your Object is Empty or Null

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Are you struggling with the defaultIfEmpty method in LINQ? Do you find yourself tearing your hair out because it refuses to work even when your object is as empty as a ghost town? Fear not, dear developer, for you are not alone. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this perplexing problem and provide you with actionable solutions to get defaultIfEmpty working like a charm.

What is defaultIfEmpty?

Before we dive into the meat of the problem, let’s quickly revisit what defaultIfEmpty is and how it’s supposed to work. defaultIfEmpty is a LINQ method that returns a default value if the input sequence is empty. It’s like having a trusty sidekick that says, “Hey, I’ve got your back if your sequence is empty!”

var mySequence = new string[0]; // An empty sequence
var result = mySequence.DefaultIfEmpty("Default value");

In this example, the defaultIfEmpty method would return a sequence containing the string “Default value” because the original sequence is empty.

The Problem: defaultIfEmpty is Not Working as Expected

Now, let’s imagine a scenario where you’re working with a more complex object, like a custom class or a database query. You’ve written your LINQ query, and you’re confident that defaultIfEmpty will save the day if your object is empty or null. But, to your surprise, it doesn’t work as expected.

var myObject = DBContext.MyTable.FirstOrDefault(); // Returns null or an empty object
var result = myObject.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

In this case, defaultIfEmpty is supposed to return a default MyObject instance with the specified properties. However, it doesn’t work, and you’re left scratching your head.

Reason 1: The Object is Not Truly Empty or Null

Before we blame defaultIfEmpty, let’s investigate the object itself. Sometimes, the object might not be as empty as you think it is. Maybe it contains null or empty values, but it’s not entirely empty. In this case, defaultIfEmpty won’t kick in because the object is not technically empty.

var myObject = new MyObject { Name = null, Age = null }; // Not entirely empty
var result = myObject.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

In this scenario, defaultIfEmpty won’t return the default object because myObject is not entirely empty. To fix this, you can use the NullIfEmpty method instead:

var result = myObject.NullIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

Reason 2: The Object is a Collection, Not a Single Instance

Another common issue arises when you’re working with collections. If your object is a collection, defaultIfEmpty will not work as expected because it’s designed to work with single instances, not collections.

var myObject = DBContext.MyTable.ToList(); // A collection of objects
var result = myObject.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

In this case, defaultIfEmpty will not return a default object because it’s expecting a single instance, not a collection. To fix this, you can use the DefaultIfEmpty method on the collection itself:

var result = DBContext.MyTable.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 }).ToList();

Reason 3: The Object is Not a Queryable Sequence

defaultIfEmpty only works with queryable sequences, such as those returned by LINQ queries. If your object is not a queryable sequence, defaultIfEmpty will not work.

var myObject = new MyObject { Name = "John", Age = 30 }; // Not a queryable sequence
var result = myObject.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

In this scenario, defaultIfEmpty won’t work because myObject is not a queryable sequence. To fix this, you can convert the object to a queryable sequence using the AsQueryable() method:

var result = (new[] { myObject }).AsQueryable().DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

Solutions and Workarounds

Now that we’ve explored the common reasons behind the defaultIfEmpty conundrum, let’s look at some solutions and workarounds to get it working:

Solution 1: Use the NullIfEmpty Method

If your object is not entirely empty, but contains null or empty values, use the NullIfEmpty method instead of defaultIfEmpty:

var result = myObject.NullIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

Solution 2: Use DefaultIfEmpty on the Collection

If your object is a collection, use the DefaultIfEmpty method on the collection itself:

var result = DBContext.MyTable.DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 }).ToList();

Solution 3: Convert to a Queryable Sequence

If your object is not a queryable sequence, convert it to one using the AsQueryable() method:

var result = (new[] { myObject }).AsQueryable().DefaultIfEmpty(new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 });

Solution 4: Use a Ternary Operator or Conditional Statement

If all else fails, you can use a ternary operator or conditional statement to provide a default value:

var result = myObject == null ? new MyObject { Name = "Default Name", Age = 25 } : myObject;
Solution Description
NullIfEmpty Use when the object is not entirely empty, but contains null or empty values.
DefaultIfEmpty on Collection Use when the object is a collection.
Convert to Queryable Sequence Use when the object is not a queryable sequence.
Ternary Operator/Conditional Statement Use as a last resort when all other solutions fail.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious case of defaultIfEmpty not working even when your object is empty or null. We’ve identified the common reasons behind this issue and provided solutions and workarounds to get defaultIfEmpty working as expected. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of defaultIfEmpty and ensuring that your code is robust and reliable.

  • Remember to check if your object is truly empty or null.
  • Use NullIfEmpty instead of defaultIfEmpty if your object contains null or empty values.
  • Use DefaultIfEmpty on the collection itself if your object is a collection.
  • Convert your object to a queryable sequence using AsQueryable() if necessary.
  • Use a ternary operator or conditional statement as a last resort.

With these tips and tricks in your toolkit, you’ll be able to tackle even the most perplexing defaultIfEmpty conundrums and write more efficient, effective code.

  1. Microsoft Docs: Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty Method
  2. Stack Overflow: LINQ DefaultIfEmpty not working as expected

Frequently Asked Question

Getting frustrated because defaultIfEmpty is not working even though your object is empty or null? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: Why is defaultIfEmpty not working when my object is null?

defaultIfEmpty only works when the sequence is empty, not when it’s null. Make sure to check for null before calling defaultIfEmpty. You can do this by using the DefaultIfEmpty method after a null check, or by using the nullable coalescing operator (??) to provide a default value when the sequence is null.

Q2: What if I’m using defaultIfEmpty with an IQueryable, and it’s still not working?

When working with IQueryable, the defaultIfEmpty method is not executed until the query is materialized. Try calling ToList() or AsEnumerable() before calling defaultIfEmpty to force the query to execute and then apply the default value.

Q3: Is defaultIfEmpty supposed to work with anonymous objects?

defaultIfEmpty works with any type of object, including anonymous objects. However, if your anonymous object has properties that are themselves null or empty, defaultIfEmpty won’t automatically populate those properties. You’ll need to handle those cases separately.

Q4: Can I use defaultIfEmpty with a collection of objects?

Yes, defaultIfEmpty can be used with a collection of objects. If the collection is empty, defaultIfEmpty will return a collection containing a single default object. If the collection is null, defaultIfEmpty will return an empty collection.

Q5: What if I need to specify a default value for a specific property within my object?

defaultIfEmpty only replaces the entire object with a default value, not individual properties. To specify a default value for a specific property, you’ll need to use the null-coalescing operator (??) or the conditional operator (?:) to provide a default value for that property specifically.

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