Snowflake Showstopper: DBT Duplicate Row Detected During DML Action – The Ultimate Fix!
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Snowflake Showstopper: DBT Duplicate Row Detected During DML Action – The Ultimate Fix!

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Are you tired of hitting a roadblock with Snowflake’s “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Data Transformations (DBT) and Snowflake, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolve this pesky issue.

What is DBT, and why do I need it?

DBT (Data Build Tool) is an open-source framework that enables data engineers to transform and model data in a more collaborative, modular, and maintainable way. With DBT, you can define data models, transform raw data, and materialize the results into your target database – in this case, Snowflake.

The Problem: DBT Duplicate Row Detected During DML Action

When running a DBT project on Snowflake, you might encounter the following error:

Found 1 duplicate row during DML action
dbt encountered an error while executing this model

This error occurs when DBT attempts to insert or update data in Snowflake, but detects duplicate rows in the target table. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  • Primary key violations
  • duplicate data in the source table
  • incorrect data modeling

Triaging the Issue: Understanding the Error Message

When encountering the “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error, it’s essential to analyze the error message and identify the root cause. Here’s a breakdown of the error message:

Found 1 duplicate row during DML action
  column_name: 'column_value'
  model_name: 'model_name'
  schema_name: 'schema_name'
  table_name: 'table_name'

In this example, the error message indicates that a duplicate row was detected in the `table_name` table, specifically in the `column_name` column, with a value of `column_value`. This information will help you pinpoint the issue and develop a plan to resolve it.

Resolving the Issue: 5-Step Solution

Now that we’ve understood the error message, let’s dive into the 5-step solution to resolve the “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error:

Step 1: Identify and Fix Primary Key Violations

The first step is to identify and fix any primary key violations in your Snowflake table. You can do this by:

-- Check for duplicate rows in the table
SELECT column_name, COUNT(*)
FROM schema_name.table_name
GROUP BY column_name

-- Drop the primary key constraint
ALTER TABLE schema_name.table_name DROP CONSTRAINT primary_key_constraint;

-- Recreate the primary key constraint with the correct columns
ALTER TABLE schema_name.table_name ADD CONSTRAINT primary_key_constraint PRIMARY KEY (column_name);

Step 2: Remove Duplicate Data from the Source Table

If the issue persists, you need to remove duplicate data from the source table. You can do this by:

-- Identify duplicate rows in the source table
SELECT column_name, COUNT(*)
FROM source_table
GROUP BY column_name

-- Remove duplicate rows from the source table
DELETE FROM source_table
WHERE column_name IN (
  SELECT column_name
  FROM (
    SELECT column_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY column_name ORDER BY column_name) AS row_num
    FROM source_table
  ) AS duplicates
  WHERE row_num > 1

Step 3: Update DBT Model to Handle Duplicates

Update your DBT model to handle duplicates by adding a `unique_key` or `primary_key` constraint to the target table. This ensures that DBT will not attempt to insert duplicate rows during the transformation process:

  - name: model_name
      - name: column_name
        data_type: string
        unique_key: true

Step 4: Re-Run the DBT Project

Re-run the DBT project to apply the changes:

dbt run

Step 5: Verify the Results

Verify that the issue has been resolved by checking the target table for duplicate rows:

SELECT column_name, COUNT(*)
FROM schema_name.table_name
GROUP BY column_name

If the results indicate that there are no duplicate rows, you’ve successfully resolved the “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error!

Bonus Tip: Preventing Duplicate Rows in the Future

To prevent duplicate rows from occurring in the future, consider implementing the following best practices:

  1. Use primary key constraints on all tables
  2. Implement data validation and quality checks on source data
  3. Use unique identifiers or hashes to detect duplicate rows
  4. Regularly monitor and audit your data for duplicates


The “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error can be a frustrating obstacle in your data transformation journey. However, by following the 5-step solution outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify and resolve the issue, ensuring that your DBT project runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember to implement best practices to prevent duplicate rows from occurring in the future, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Snowflake and DBT master!

Resolution Steps Description
Step 1: Identify and Fix Primary Key Violations Drop and recreate primary key constraint, and fix any primary key violations
Step 2: Remove Duplicate Data from the Source Table Identify and remove duplicate rows from the source table
Step 3: Update DBT Model to Handle Duplicates Add unique_key or primary_key constraint to the target table in the DBT model
Step 4: Re-Run the DBT Project Re-run the DBT project to apply the changes
Step 5: Verify the Results Verify that the issue has been resolved by checking the target table for duplicate rows

By following these steps, you’ll be able to resolve the “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error and ensure that your data transformations run smoothly and efficiently. Happy transforming!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action in Snowflake!

What does “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error mean in Snowflake?

This error occurs when DBT (Data Build Tool) detects duplicate rows during a DML (Data Manipulation Language) action, such as inserting or updating data, in your Snowflake database. It’s like finding a duplicate key in a dictionary – it just can’t happen!

Why does DBT throw this error during DML actions?

DBT throws this error to prevent data inconsistencies and ensure data integrity. When duplicate rows are inserted or updated, it can lead to unexpected behavior, errors, or even data loss. Think of it like a safety net that catches duplicates before they cause chaos!

How can I resolve “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” error in Snowflake?

To resolve this error, you can use techniques like deduplication, data cleaning, or aggregating data before loading it into Snowflake. You can also adjust your DBT model to handle duplicate rows explicitly or use Snowflake’s built-in duplicate handling features, like the `MERGE` command. It’s like finding the right tool for the job – you just need to choose the right approach!

What are some best practices to avoid “DBT Duplicate row detected during DML action” errors in Snowflake?

To avoid this error, make sure to design your DBT models with data quality in mind. Use data validation, data transformation, and data normalization techniques to ensure clean and consistent data. Regularly audit your data for duplicates, and consider using Snowflake’s data profiling features to identify potential issues. It’s like having a pre-flight check – you want to ensure everything is in order before taking off!

Can I customize DBT’s duplicate row detection behavior in Snowflake?

Yes, you can customize DBT’s duplicate row detection behavior using various configuration options, such as `duplicate_record_detection` or `on_error`. You can also write custom macros or plugins to tailor the behavior to your specific needs. It’s like fine-tuning a precision instrument – you can adjust the settings to get the desired output!

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