Unlocking the Power of Elementor: A Comprehensive Guide to Styling Control Settings
Image by Armand - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Elementor: A Comprehensive Guide to Styling Control Settings

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Are you tired of feeling limited by Elementor’s default styling options? Do you want to take your website’s design to the next level? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Elementor Styling Control Settings, and show you how to unlock the full potential of this powerful page builder.

What are Elementor Styling Control Settings?

Elementor Styling Control Settings are a set of advanced options that allow you to customize the design and layout of your website’s elements, sections, and pages. With these settings, you can control every aspect of your website’s visual appearance, from typography and colors to spacing and animations.

Why Do I Need Elementor Styling Control Settings?

There are several reasons why you need Elementor Styling Control Settings:

  • Customization**: With Styling Control Settings, you can tailor your website’s design to fit your brand’s unique identity and style.
  • Flexibility**: These settings give you the flexibility to experiment with different design options and layouts, without requiring extensive coding knowledge.
  • Consistency**: By using Elementor’s Styling Control Settings, you can ensure consistency in design throughout your website, making it look more professional and polished.

Accessing Elementor Styling Control Settings

To access Elementor’s Styling Control Settings, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Elementor and navigate to the page or section you want to customize.
  2. Click on the element or section you want to style, and then click on the “Advanced” tab in the Elementor panel.
  3. Scroll down to the “Styling” section and click on the “Styling Control” dropdown menu.
  4. Select the styling option you want to customize, such as “Typography”, “Colors”, or “Spacing”.

Typography Styling Control Settings

Typography is a crucial aspect of any website’s design, and Elementor’s Typography Styling Control Settings give you unparalleled control over font styles, sizes, and arrangements.

 typography: {
  font-family: 'Open Sans',
  font-size: 18,
  font-weight: 400,
  line-height: 1.5,
  letter-spacing: 0.5,
  text-transform: uppercase

In the above code snippet, we’re using Elementor’s Typography Styling Control Settings to customize the font family, size, weight, line height, letter spacing, and text transform of a heading element.

Font Family

Choose from a vast library of Google Fonts or upload your own custom font to give your website a unique touch.

Font Size

Control the font size of your element, and even set different font sizes for different devices.

Font Weight

Select from a range of font weights, from thin to bold, to add emphasis and hierarchy to your text.

Line Height

Adjust the line height of your text to improve readability and create a more balanced layout.

Letter Spacing

Increase or decrease the letter spacing to create a more condensed or expanded look.

Text Transform

Transform your text to uppercase, lowercase, or title case to add visual interest and create a consistent look.

Color Styling Control Settings

Colors play a vital role in setting the tone and mood of your website, and Elementor’s Color Styling Control Settings give you the power to choose from an endless palette of colors.

colors: {
  primary: '#3498db',
  secondary: '#f1c40f',
  accent: '#e74c3c',
  background: '#f7f7f7',
  hover: '#2980b9'

In the above code snippet, we’re using Elementor’s Color Styling Control Settings to customize the primary, secondary, accent, background, and hover colors of a button element.

Primary Color

Set the primary color of your element, which will be used as the default color.

Secondary Color

Choose a secondary color to add contrast and visual interest to your element.

Accent Color

Select an accent color to draw attention to specific parts of your element, such as buttons or icons.

Background Color

Set the background color of your element, which can be a solid color, gradient, or even an image.

Hover Color

Customize the hover color of your element to create a engaging user experience.

Spacing Styling Control Settings

Spacing is essential for creating a balanced and harmonious layout, and Elementor’s Spacing Styling Control Settings give you precise control over margins, padding, and gaps.

spacing: {
  margin: {
    top: 20,
    right: 30,
    bottom: 40,
    left: 50
  padding: {
    top: 10,
    right: 20,
    bottom: 30,
    left: 40
  gap: 10

In the above code snippet, we’re using Elementor’s Spacing Styling Control Settings to customize the margin, padding, and gap of a section element.


Control the margin of your element, which is the space between the element and its parent element.


Adjust the padding of your element, which is the space between the element’s content and its border.


Customize the gap between elements, which is the space between sibling elements.

Advanced Styling Control Settings

In addition to typography, colors, and spacing, Elementor’s Styling Control Settings also include advanced options for customizing borders, backgrounds, and animations.


Customize the border style, width, color, and radius of your element to add depth and visual interest.


Choose from a range of background options, including solid colors, gradients, images, and videos, to add texture and complexity to your element.


Create engaging animations and transitions to enhance the user experience and draw attention to specific elements.

Best Practices for Using Elementor Styling Control Settings

To get the most out of Elementor’s Styling Control Settings, follow these best practices:

  • Keep it consistent**: Use a consistent design language throughout your website to create a cohesive look and feel.
  • Experiment and test**: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styling options and test them on different devices and screen sizes.
  • Use a pre-designed theme**: Start with a pre-designed theme or template to get inspiration and guidance for your design.
  • Use the Elementor documentation**: Refer to the Elementor documentation and tutorials for detailed instructions and examples.


Elementor’s Styling Control Settings are a powerful tool for customizing the design and layout of your website. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of Elementor and create a website that truly stands out. Remember to experiment, test, and have fun with the styling process – the possibilities are endless!

Styling Control Setting Description
Typography Customize font styles, sizes, and arrangements.
Colors Choose from an endless palette of colors to set the tone and mood of your website.
Spacing Control margins, padding, and gaps to create a balanced and harmonious layout.
Borders Customize border styles, widths, colors, and radii to add depth and visual interest.
Backgrounds Choose from solid colors, gradients, images, and videos to add texture and complexity to your element.
Animations Create engaging animations and transitions to enhance the user experience.

By mastering Elementor’s Styling Control Settings, you’ll be able to create a website that truly reflects your brand’s unique identity and style. Happy designing!Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Elementor Styling Control Settings!

What are Elementor Styling Control Settings?

Elementor Styling Control Settings allow you to customize the visual aspects of your website’s elements, such as typography, colors, and layout, giving you the power to create a unique and cohesive design that reflects your brand’s personality!

How do I access Elementor Styling Control Settings?

To access Elementor Styling Control Settings, simply click on the “Style” tab within the Elementor page builder, and voilà! You’ll have access to a plethora of styling options to tweak and customize to your heart’s content!

Can I customize the typography of my website using Elementor Styling Control Settings?

Absolutely! Elementor Styling Control Settings allow you to customize typography aspects such as font family, font size, line height, and more, giving you the freedom to create a unique typographic style that resonates with your brand’s voice!

Can I apply different styling settings to different devices using Elementor Styling Control Settings?

You bet! Elementor Styling Control Settings allow you to apply different styling settings to different devices, such as desktop, tablet, and mobile, ensuring that your website looks and feels amazing on any device, anywhere!

Are Elementor Styling Control Settings responsive?

Yes, they are! Elementor Styling Control Settings are fully responsive, meaning that your styling customizations will adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and stunning user experience across the board!

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